Chinese Medicine viewed skin conditions as an imbalance of an internal system. The root cause of any skin problems are often a mixed complexity of internal imbalances and dysfunction of network of systems and organs. At Eastential Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine we assess your skin conditions according to the fundamental of Chinese Medicine principles, that is to observe and examine your body as a whole. All aspects of who you are, is evaluated through questioning, observation and palpation. This will then assist us to tailor an individualised acupuncture protocol, Chinese herbal medicine formula and ointments where needed, to address your prevailing skin condition. In addition, we will also provide you with emotional support that is associated with your skin condition, making it a holistic treatment, designed specifically for you.
Urticaria (Hives)
How many treatments would it take to see improvement to my skin condition?
It ultimately depends on how severe your skin condition is. Some may require more treatments than others, and some will see remarkable results within a few sessions. Generally, after 6-7 treatments you will see some signs of your skin condition improving
What does the treatment entail?
A session will involve an in depth consultation, addressing your skin's concerns, followed by an acupuncture session tailored to your skin problem. If having acupuncture sounds daunting, we have a herbal consult which involves the same treatment protocol minus the acupuncture session. As the root cause of any skin condition if often triggered by internal imbalances, Chinese herbal medicine is an important aspect of the treatment. I will formulate a herbal formula to address your prevailing skin condition, and some topical ointments/creams/mask maybe prescribed where necessary, to further strengthen and accelerate the healing process.
Can acupuncture and herbal medicine treat paediatric eczema?
Absolutely! Depending on your child’s age, from the age of two year old onward acupuncture can be used to assist with your child’s eczema condition. In general most children find acupuncture fascinating and in my experience, seldom get scared or upset with needles. For young children (2-4 years old), we use a quick acupuncture technique that does not retain the needles in the body. For older children (5 years old onward) the needles will be retained on the body for a short period of time. This may varies depending on the child’s apprehension with needles. If a child is uneasy or nervous about needles, I will only prescribe herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is a must for all skin conditions. A baby from the age of 12 months onward can take herbal medicine to assist with eczema
How long will it take to see some results?
In general, it will take a minimal of three months. However, depending on the severity of the skin condition, it may take up to six months to manage it. Besides treating the symptoms - itching, dry skin, inflammation etc. the root cause is also treated. By targeting the root cause, the skin condition is less likely to reoccur.
Will my skin problem return after a successful treatment?
Generally no. As your internal system balances out and is in harmony, your skin will start to be more stable and symptoms should be cleared. However, lifestyle, diet and environmental changes may trigger some flare ups. Hence, I always recommend monthly treatments for maintenance purposes to prevent further occurrences. Prevention is the core tenet of Chinese Medicine.
What are in the Chinese herbal medicine and in what form do they come in?
Majority of the Chinese herbs I use are derived from roots, twigs, leafs and flowers, and occasionally I may use the shells of cicadas (the insect is not used) which are collected after the cicadas had shed them naturally. The shells of the cicadas have a effective anti-itch property. The herbs that I dispense are powdered herbs which is a convenient way to prepare and drink the herbs
How much does consultation sessions cost?
Please refer to our 'Fee and Book Online Page' for consultation fees. We are covered by major health funds and clients are eligible for private health insurance rebate on all consultations. HICAPS and EFTPOS facilities are available for your convenience and we accept Visa and Mastercar